Membership Has Its Benefits
Individual memberships
- Your membership in the “Southwest Florida Blues Society” is non-transferable and the best way to support blues music locally.
- We also support (BITS) our “blues in the schools program” and various education workshops.
- Your membership has a number of value-added benefits which includes special invitations to society sanctioned events, all of which are made possible through your membership and support.
- As a member you’ll receive a periodical “SWFBS” e-newsletter with membership updates, event e-blasts, blues news updates, special invitations to music workshops and more. You’ll also be notified of any last minute booking’s into our local clubs, (these are often award winning, nationally touring acts).
- More plans are in the works for the members of the “SWFBS” which include social gatherings/meetings with performing artists and even more ways to have a good time while supporting the blues.
- When you join the Southwest Florida Blues Society your making a “donation.” (we are a registered Florida, 501c3 non profit corporation) your membership donation may be tax deductible please consult your accountant.
Artist Memberships
- Membership in the “Southwest Florida Blues Society” is individual and non-transferable, it’s valid for one (1) year from the date you joined and needs to be renewed annually.
- We realize blues artists are often under appreciated and that’s why our active artists memberships are set at only $10. ea.
- You benefit through, our backlinks which provides more relevance to your online sites and posts, creating higher search rankings for you.
- Your Listing on our Blues Musicians page, provides compete contact information for people interested in your music and trying to reach or follow you.
- New fans or booking engagements as a result of anyone surfing our site and finding your listing.
- Our detailed calendar of events page, (Gigs Page) with complete and convenient details about your current and upcoming gigs. requires your formatted submission, we’ll do the rest .
- Our Blues Foundation submission opportunities, the (IBC) “International Blues Challenge”, as a Youth Showcase act, Solo/Duo act, or as a Band, not to mention the “Best Self-Produced CD award.
- Your Blues news posted on our social media site (FB), and potentially in our periodic Newsletter. (requires your submission and graphics).
- Your gigs going out in our weekly e-Blast directly to our society members inbox. (requires your formatted submission)
- Plus all the benefits of regular membership.
- When you join the Southwest Florida Blues Society your making a “donation.” (we are a registered Florida, 501c3 non profit corporation) your membership/donation may be tax deductible please consult your accountant.

business memberships
- You will get (2) membership cards, with all of the benefits of regular membership.
- Annually at least (2-3) special event notices (our digital newsletter publication) which includes “your ad,” based on our formatted graphic /advertisement requirements.
- Your Business listing/ ad, on our “Business Members” page, with a Link back to “your-site”.
- Business Memberships, are a $100 donation on an annual basis (renewal date is determined by your initial registration date).
- See our Incentive Business Member program, with No or Minimal up-front out-of-pocket expense (offering automatic renewal).
Our Blues Club & VENUE MEMBERS
- You’ll receive two (2) membership cards, with all the benefits of regular membership.
- Weekly, a membership targeted E- Blast identifying your blues line-up.
- “Your Gig’s Listed”, on our “Calendar of Events” page, with a link to your site/ information.
- Your Business listing/ ad, on our “Blues Venue” page, with a Hot-Link back to “your-site”.
- Annually at least (2-3) special event notices (our digital newsletter publication) that includes “your ad”, based on our formatted graphic /advertisement requirements.
- Incentive Business Members, requires that our S.W.F.B.S. members receive a special offer or benefit from your business/venue. you will be added to a separate “Membership Benefits” page.
- Venue Business Memberships, is a $100 donation.
- NEW, our Business Member Incentive program, with no or minimal up-front out-of-pocket expense, see below.
incentive memberships – “business/ club/ venue”
- Incentive Members, requires our S.W.F.B.S. members who are in good standing receive a special offer or benefit from your business/venue. Our members must present a current membership card to receive any offers or discounts.
- You will be added to our dedicated “Incentive Businesses” page, (describing your offer or discount). Including a link to your business or Venue.
- You also receive all the benefits described above, depending on your business category.
- Incentive Business/ Venue Memberships, which are processed online require a $1.00 online processing fee. $0.00 if processed any other way (in person or by mail). Memberships renew annually and automatically unless you decide to cancel your membership.